Self and Peer Evaluations


Employee reviews are common in the workforce and usually take place at least annually, although some employers will conduct a review every 6 months, especially with new employees.

Increasingly, these reviews involve not only a review of your work by your supervisor but also by a small group (4 to 8) of your peers, people who report to you, and customers or clients.  The idea is to get feedback from a broad spectrum of people with whom you work in order to develop a more complete (and hopefully therefore more accurate) review of your work and working relationships.  For more information, see books and articles on the 360 degree review theory and process. This is a quick overview: 360 Degree Feedback: See the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.  

As part of your final grade, you will evaluate yourself and the other members of your team on how well you interacted with the team and contributed to the final product.  Your community partner will also be invited to provide feedback on the communication and professionalism of the team as a whole, as well as their satisfaction with the progress made on the application this term.  Finally, your alumni mentor will be asked to evaluate the team

Peer and Self Evaluation

These questions come from the CATME Project’s Peer Evaluation form.  The members of the NSF-funded project developed materials and systems to facilitate the formation, functioning, and evaluation of student teams that work on longer-term classroom projects.  We use a subset of their questions in the attached evaluation form.

For each category, there are 3 levels of behavior with the best or highest ranking at the top of the table and decreasing down the table to the lowest ranking.  Between the top, middle, and bottom levels of observable behavior, there are two lines that read “Demonstrates behaviors described above and below”. These lines are there to allow you to rate a person as either inconsistent in their behavior or that they perform some of the behaviors but not all.  For instance if a team member sometimes listened to others respectfully (the middle rating) but at other times was rude and interrupted another member of the team (the lowest rating), you should mark them on the line between the two descriptors.

Peer and Self Evaluation Form (Word document)

Please download and complete this form and then upload it to PioneerWeb. 

Community Partner Evaluation

Your community partner will be asked to evaluate the team’s progress and quality of the project, the communication and professionalism of the team, and their overall satisfaction with their experience this term.  

This form is provided as an example, but you do not need to do anything with it.  I will send out a copy to your project’s contact person and ask them to complete and return it by the day of the final presentation.  

Alumni Mentor Evaluation

Finally, your alumni mentor will also be asked to give feedback on the team’s progress and quality of the project, the communication and professionalism of the team, and their overall satisfaction with their experience this term using a similar form.  

Again, there is nothing you need to do regarding the alumni mentor feedback.  The form is provided for your information.  

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