Leading Remote Agile Teams

With the current shift to distance learning, the question has come up concerning how to manage/lead geographically distributed Agile teams.

I think this is a particularly challenging situation to be in since Agile teams tend to be non-hierarchical, and their smooth functioning assumes excellent, frequent communication between not only team members but also between the team and their client representatives.  So, when a team needs to work remotely, how does Agile methodology adapt to distributed work??


Damian, D., Lassenius, C., Paasivaara, M., Borici, A., & Schröter, A. (2012, June). Teaching a globally distributed project course using Scrum practices. In 2012 Second International Workshop on Collaborative Teaching of Globally Distributed Software Development (CTGDSD) (pp. 30-34). IEEE. PDF available at: researchgate.net.

Deemer, P.  (2011). The Distributed Scrum Primer. available at: http://goodagile.com/distributedscrumprimer/

Fowler, M. (2006) Using an Agile Software Process with Offshore Development.  Retrieve from his site:  https://www.martinfowler.com/articles/agileOffshore.html

Garber, Stella (2020).  The Secrets to Sustaining a Strong Remote Team. Trello Newsletter.

Radigan, D. Think globally, code locally: The secret to remote teams.  Atlassian Agile Coach.

Sepulveda, C. (2003, June). Agile development and remote teams: learning to love the phone. In Proceedings of the Agile Development Conference, 2003. ADC 2003 (pp. 140-145). IEEE.  PDF available at salisbury.edu

Shrivastava, Suprika Vasudeva & Date, Hema. (2010). Distributed Agile Software Development: A Review.  Journal of Computer Science and Engineering, Volume 1, Issue 1, p10-17, May 2010. The PDF is available for download. Access at: https://arxiv.org/abs/1006.1955 


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